In order to apply to Florence Conducting Masterclass 2025, the students must send the required documents exclusively through the application form below.
Please be aware that the applications will be processed in order of arrival and that the applications will be closed when all the places available have been assigned.
There is no admission examination, even if we expect a basic knowledge of conducting technique and recommend some experience in conducting professional orchestras. In order to evaluate properly if Florence Conducting Masterclass is a good choice for you, we encourage you to send an email or call us before applying.
Responsible for the organization
Associazione Artes
viale Marconi 36/d – 59100 Prato (Florence) Italy
Tel. +39 3291743208 – +39 3200583313
Tax Code 92076020483
Payment details
Course fee
Couse fee, active students: € 2.230,00
Application fee: € 250,00
Total amount of fees: € 2.480,00
The payment can be done by bank transfer (attention: bank expenses are to be charged to the payer) to the bank account
Banca Alta Toscana IBAN: IT82 Z089 2221 5030 0000 0704 948 – SWIFT: ICRA IT RR PM0 (zero)
of Associazione Artes or through Credit Card via Paypal (€15,00 commission fee) through the following link:
The application fee has to be paid at the moment of the application; the course fee has to be paid in two parts, the first (50%) at the closing of the applications (usually around the end of June) and the second (50%) within the first day of the course.